Welcome, we are so glad you're here! My name is Jessica and I run this rescue with my 4 year old daughter Braelynn. I have had a strong love for horses my entire life and I have always had a soft spot for the "no good throw away horses" the ones who weren't super nice. Maybe because I didn't grow up in money and I just was thankful to have whatever I got and made it work.
I was luckily enough to grow up on horses having some of the best memories riding horses with my cousin. After having my daughter I couldn't wait to share my love for horses with her. She was on the back of a horse as just an infant and then on to her little rescue pony Poco.
JB Equine Rescue was established at the tail end of 2024 after saving a horse from shipping for slaughter in July of 2024. We continued to share the journey of our Kill Pin save on social media and many got to know about our horse LADY MAY. We soon were contacted about another horse who needed help and initially, I said no I wouldn't be able to take on another. Well it kept me up that night thinking about the neglect that little horse who was just a year old was enduring and I couldn't stop thinking about her. If I don't go help her who will? Wasn't to long after I said no I had my trailer loaded up and I was headed two hours outta town to go get this horse I didn't even know would get in the trailer. Well she did and I couldn't have been happier I took the chance on her because she has become the face of the rescue. Our girl NOVA.
Once you save one it doesn't take long for the word to get out. We were contact about another 4 horses that were in desperate need. This time I really did not have the resources to take them on due to the care they needed. I didn't quit on those horses though, I was able to network and get another rescue to take them on and we agreed to assist.
Braelynn and I hooked up the trailer and headed out to help these horses get to help. It took two trips but we were able to get these horses to help and the vet care they dearly needed. While in the process of transport Braelynn said to me "mom this was a really fun day. I wish we could rescue horse everyday". I agreed. It was at that moment we came to the conclusion we needed to go all in. I asked Braelynn what we should call our rescue and she said "Jessica and Braelynn's Horse Rescue". From there we became JB EQUINE RESCUE.
I immediately started working toward starting up or own 501c3 Nonprofit status and I guess this has been Gods purpose for me because I was approved more quickly than I could have ever expected and since then my heart has felt full and I feel like I'm walking in my purpose.
I am excited to see what God has in the works for us because he has provided for us every step of the way. We give God all the Glory and trust him in all we do here at JB Equine Rescue.